Xporter blog

pupil progress

Pupil Progress Partner Spotlight

This month, we are introducing Pupil Progress for our partner spotlight! Pupil Progress provide schools with exam board specific trackers that calculate grades exactly as the exam boards do, empowering them to understand the human side of data and maximise impact.   The Fou...


BounceTogether Partner Spotlight

This month, the spotlight goes to our partners at BounceTogether. BounceTogether is an innovative wellbeing and mental health measurement platform that enables schools to evaluate, monitor, and improve the wellbeing of their pupils, staff, and parents. The BounceTogether team say “our mis...

pupil progress

GLUU Partner Spotlight

Spotlight is on for GLUU! GLUU’s community helps teachers find more time so that pupils can thrive; GLUU’s EdTech tools are for teachers to get more out of their day, reduce workload and help pupils flourish. The GLUU community includes therapists and clinicians as well as teachers and ...

pupil progress

SchoolWorkSpace Partner Spotlight

SchoolWorkSpace take on our spotlight this month. SchoolWorkSpace supports schools with administration tasks; their Exams Assist product is a smart solution that saves Exams Officers significant effort and minimises errors throughout the process of setting up and running public and internal...

xporter xpress

Xporter Xpress: June 2023

Xporter Xpress is here! We are rounding up the quarter with some insights from some of our education partners to discuss the current education climate and trends. Featuring A Star Attendance, globalbridge, GLUU, and Pupil Progress. Picture this…. Ewan, a secondary s...

Xporter Identity

Meet Xporter Identity (formerly Groupcall IDaaS)

We are delighted to announce IDaaS is having a rebrand! The same IDaaS you know and love is going through some slight changes, starting from its name, which is now Xporter Identity. We also have a new logo… check it out!   The platform is getting a refreshed UI to achieve a more modern l...

Guest blog: Supporting Your School Staff

We all know the purpose – to shine a light on the many challenges being faced, to start conversations and to identify and provide solutions. Of course, what we really need to do is build mental health into the culture of schools, adding to parental and community support. &nbs...

Guest blog: Prioritising Mental Health in Schools

Wellbeing First is your on demand AI wellbeing specialist, providing consistent, objective improvements to the lives of your staff and students by generating wellbeing initiatives that target their unique needs whilst considering the time and budget of your school.  Using our we...

Guest blog: The Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences 

It is well known that the experiences we have early on in our lives and particularly in our early childhoods significantly impact how we grow and develop, our physical and mental health, and in turn our thoughts, feelings and behaviour.  Therefore as part of our understandin...

Guest blog: Why should schools be measuring wellbeing? 

Supporting the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people is now a fundamental aspect of our education system. In recent years, there has been a growing awareness of the importance of monitoring and measuring wellbeing in schools. With the publication of several guidelines, in...


globalbridge Partner Spotlight

This month the spotlight goes to our partners at globalbridge! globalbridge is a digital learner profile built by teachers, providing young people with a single platform to evidence their skills, talents and achievements beyond exam grades alone. Through the use of multimedia content, you...

Xporter Xpress

Xporter Xpress: Edition 1

Introducing Xporter Xpress, your regular newsletter to catch up on the EdTech world and read some insights provided by education experts. In this brand-new edition, some of our partners discuss the latest trends in education, what they have been doing to support schools and how they have...


Motional Partner Spotlight

This February, we are giving the spotlight to our partners at Motional! Motional is a suite of online tools to help schools with emotional health and well-being. We had a chat with Founder, Neil Gilmour, to understand more about their product and their experience using Xporter. "Our co...

persona education

Persona Education Partner Spotlight

Our newbie partners at Persona Education are this month’s spotlight stars! Persona Education is a Bristol (UK) based, Innovate UK and Google Cloud-funded impact edtech firm, on a mission to boost young people’s wellbeing, employability, and success.  Even before the pandemic, se...

Product Releases December 2022

Our team have been working hard throughout the year on more new features and improvements to Xporter. Here is a summary of the changes that have been rolled out recently.

  • Timetable Model now supports Cover Lessons
  • Entitlement History now supports In Care
  • <...


Parentapps Partner Spotlight

This December, we are giving the spotlight to our partners at Parentapps. Parentapps is an award-winning education technology company that helps schools overcome the challenges they face with communicating with parents in this modern age.  While many schools are using ineffective, t...

rugby school online

Rugby School Online Partner Spotlight

Rugby School Online are the Xporter partner spotlight stars this month. They are known for delivering online revision for A-level STEM subjects, helping students globally to achieve their potential. Rugby School Online provide self-study and live teaching revision services f...


SMARTcurriculum Partner Spotlight

This month, our partner spotlight presents SMARTcurriculum – a powerful curriculum-focused analytics tool that keeps senior leaders aware of the spending on staffing and curriculum structure. SMARTcurriculum’s ultimate goal is to help leaders make the important decisions about staff sup...

The Importance of Transition – Partner Post

Transition is a key time in the life of a child. Not only do they move schools, but they also move to institutions which are much bigger, and which are run in different ways, all at a time when they are experiencing accelerated personal development. Most children look forward to moving, and...


SixIntoSeven Partner Spotlight

This month's partner spotlight presents SixIntoSeven, a leading U.K EdTech tool that's passionate about making sure children have the best possible start in secondary school, and that supports the most vulnerable children through the transition from primary to secondary school.  SixIntoSeve...

pebble partner spotlight

Pebble Partner Spotlight

Pebble are the stars of this month's partner spotlight! Pebble are the innovators of an elegantly designed software suite which allows users to consolidate the management of income, expenditure and sales. If you’ve got multiple systems across different sites, Tali, Trac, and Till work alo...

WeAllBeam spotlight

We All Beam Partner Spotlight

This month's Partner Spotlight is dedicated to We All Beam! We All Beam is a mental health app for children of all ages; it provides schools, further education, and universities with a tool to measure and track the mental health of pupils. We All Beam enables teachers to identify children w...

A star attendance

A Star Attendance Partner Spotlight

Xporter are proud to introduce this month’s partner spotlight: A Star Attendance, the new electronic online attendance officer on the market. A Star Attendance is the first and only attendance monitoring system for schools, designed by practitioners for practitioners. You are guaranteed t...

Classoos Partner Spotlight

Classoos Partner Spotlight

Introducing our partners at Classoos! Classoos is an accessible, intuitive digital textbook and learning resources platform providing schools and colleges across the globe with textbooks from the major UK publishers. We have asked the Classoos team some questions about how Xporter helps th...

DB Partner Spotlight

DB Education Partner Spotlight

DB Education create innovative IT systems that automatically collect key data around attainment, attendance, behaviour, engagement and more. This data is then reported centrally via user-friendly, intuitive data dashboards. By providing this often hard to reach data, in an easy to use forma...

2Simple Partner Spotlight

2Simple Partner Spotlight

2Simple is a partner of Xporter's that has been making powerful and creative educational software for learners and schools for over 20 years. They are committed to providing creative, inclusive, and inspiring software to encourage children to love learning and prepare them for later life.&n...

Product Releases March 2022

This is our summary of releases that have come out in the past two months. Keep an eye out for these monthly updates! [NEW!] Added support for Arbor Future and Leaving Staff - Staff Endpoint
[FIX] Fixed an issue which was showing incorrect start/end dates for Staff – Staff ...

Liquidlogic webinar

Groupcall & Liquidlogic: Webinar Invite

Since 2016, Liquidlogic and Groupcall have developed a strategic partnership focused on supporting and transforming the provision of core services provided by Local Authorities. Our joint expertise enables us to deliver key solutions with a wide range of benefits, cost savings and e...

Partner Post – Empowering Educators With Digitalised Work Experience Programmes

Amongst the many milestones of life, the transition from educators to the workplace is definitely the most memorable and probably the most nerve-racking. Lost in the complex procedures of applying for work-based learning programmes, it is quite common for students to feel overwh...

welbee partner spotlight

Welbee Partner Spotlight

Our newest partners at Welbee are the stars of this month's Spotlight. Welbee, from School Wellbeing Accelerator, is a highly effective online evaluation and staff wellbeing improvement tool, designed to help senior education leaders and HR Directors create a healthy school culture to...